Friday, 3 June 2011

Close to the finish!

Current Project: The Doldrums

Word Count: 143, 541

Well, I'm finally getting there with this one. I'm not finished, but I've made it to the end of the story. The bulk of the work is done. Now I get to fully indulge all my compulsive editing needs. Hooray!

It's actually quite sad to think that I'll have to leave the story one day and never, ever be able to make changes again. I imagine this is the reason why so many authors write sequels - because they just get so attached to the characters and the story that they don't want to stop writing about them. I have absolutely no intention of writing a sequel to this though. I already have another story lined up at the back of my head and after finally coming close to finishing The Doldrums I'm actually quite excited to get started and begin developing the new characters - a mother and her five-year-old daughter.

I think the mission for this next book will probably be to limit my word count to around the 100,000 mark, which is what publishers normally expect from a debut novel (so I'm told). I have a feeling I'll fail spectacularly, but we'll see.

Got to give credit to the film Inglorious Basterds here too... for introducing me to the song Cat People (Putting Out Fire) by David Bowie. I've listened to this song a lot while writing this.


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